Monthly Archives: December 2019


SAN Tourism Software Group is in Antalya Teknokent with its New Building!

At the 9th International Resort Tourism Congress held in Antalya, Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy announced that we closed 2018 with an income of 29.5 billion dollars and this year we will reach an income of 34.5 billion dollars. As a country, it was stated that we reached the target of 65 billion

2020-03-26T17:57:56+03:003 December 2019|News, SanFlight, SanTSG|

Paximum will close 2019 with 250 thousand people and 50 million Euro turnover

SAN Tourism Software Group (SAN TSG) Chairman Erol Turkey, stating that they focus on Turkey's 2023 target, "our software in 70 countries in the global use. To find a place in every channel in the B2B space in the global market and B2B online business in the medium term in the world we are aiming

2020-03-18T22:15:25+03:003 December 2019|News, Paximum, SanFlight, SanTSG|